Tuesday, January 28, 2020

War Prayer Response Essay Example for Free

War Prayer Response Essay God does not choose sides. The word, choose, is listed in the dictionary as â€Å"to pick by preference.† God has no preferences. He has an all knowing and understanding, compassionate heart, which is free of any illusory appeals. God only serves the beings on earth so as to teach them about themselves. Self-actualization is the only thing that can bring humans into full control over ourselves. Humans often do not understand what it is they hope for; if they were to fully understand the implications of it, they would be unable to continue to stand for the wrong doings they wished to be. This is observed in, Mark Twain’s, War Prayer. In the short story, War Prayer, a messenger of god is sent to explain exactly what a mass of people is praying. The people use euphemisms, seemingly unknowingly, in their chants to ask God for victory in the Philippines, during the Spanish American war. The hymns contained phrases such as â€Å" thunder thy clarion and lighting thy sword.† After the messenger speaks the true meaning of the words, the prayer becomes a romanticized and misrepresented portrayal of the true nature of war. At the very end of the messenger’s address, to the people, he asks them, â€Å"Ye have prayed it, if ye still desire it, speak! The messenger of the most high awaits.† The people respond, or rather lack there of, with silence. The messenger is later thought to be a lunatic. Though God tried to explain to them their actions, they failed to see the truth and benevolent power than enveloped the words. The one who knows, sees, and understands all granted the opportunity of a second chance, and the humans once again took the opportunity for granted. God does not choose sides; he gives those who he wishes to learn the opportunity to do so for themselves.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Jewish ROles in Medieval Europe Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many disputes as to when exactly the Jewish people and their roles in medieval civilization became apparent to the Christian and Islam peoples of the time. Various time periods are claimed by various different authors, however in this particular case I have utilized the historical writings of Louis Finkelstein. In one of his many books, we find that his perception of Jews in this time are from about 1000 AD to 1603AD. These dates seem to encompass the entire Middle Ages much better than some of the other speculations made by various other Jewish authors.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many events were taking shape towards the end of the first century, and this is where Finkelstein finds it necessary to mark the start of the Jewish people in the so-called Dark Ages. In the year 1000, Jews were spread across the world in large and small communities from Spain and North Africa, all the way to the Byzantine Empire, which is now in modern day Turkey. Finkelstein particularly chooses this date to being with however, because of the establishing of the courts in this time period. Furthermore, this is where we now see Jews being forced to convert to Christianity or be killed. We see a great upsurge in the so-called need to reform all other religions until they are under Christianity, and Jews were the focus of much of this persecution.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is not right to say that all Jewish people of this time were being persecuted...

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Rayon Fibre

Cuprammonium Rayon threads from Filter Paper AAKASH NARAYAN XII-B DON BOSCO SCHOOL i. n. d. e. x 1. Objective 2. Certificate 3. Acknowledgement 4. Apparatus 5. Chemicals 6. Summary 7. Introduction 8. Procedure 9. Precautions 10. Bibliography o. b. j. e. c. t. i. v. e To make Cuprammonium Rayon Threads From Filter Paper c. e. r. t. i. f. i. c. a. t. eThis is to certify that   Aakash Narayan,   student of Class XII B,  Don Bosco School ,Alaknanda   has completed the project titled ‘Cuprammonium Rayon Threads from Filter Paper’ during the academic year 2010-2011, towards partial fulfilment of credit for the chemistry practical evaluation of CBSE Board, and submitted satisfactory report, as compiled in the following pages, under my supervision. This project is absolutely genuine and does not indulge in plagiarism of any kind.The references taken in making this project have been declared at the end of this report. Ms. Cecilia Manichan Don Bosco School, Alaknanda a. c. k. n. o. w. l. e. d. g. e. m. e. n. t â€Å"There are times when silence speaks so much more loudly than words  of  praise to only as good as belittle a person, whose words do not express, but only put a veneer over true feelings, which are  of  gratitude at this point  of  time†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †Ã¢â‚¬  I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my chemistry teacher   Ms. Cecilia Manichan ,for her vital support, guidance and encouragement without which this project would not have come-forth.I would also like to express my gratitude to the staff of the Department of Chemistry at  Don Bosco School for their support during the making of this project. I would also like to thank my partner ,my friend Gaurab Das Gupta helping me to perform the project. Aakash Narayan XII B, Don Bosco School a. p. p. a. r. a. t. u. s 1) Conical flask (250 ml) 2) Funnel 3) Glass rod 4) Beaker (250 ml) 5) Water bath 6) Whatman Filt er paper [pic] c. h. e. m. i. c. a. l. s 1) Copper Sulphate(CuSO4 ) 2) Caustic Soda Solution(NAOH) 3) Liquor ammonia solution ) Dilute Sulphuric Acid (H2SO4) 5) Whatman Paper 6) Distilled water (H2O) s. u. m. m. a. r. y Rayon is a cellulose-based synthetic fiber . it was originally called ‘artificial silk’ or ‘wood silk’, because, it got Developed in an attempt to chemically produce silk. Rayon is a regenerated fiber. cellulose is converted to a liquid compound and then back to cellulose in the form of fiber. cuprammonium rayon is obtained by dissolving cellulose in ammoniacal copper sulphate solution. The rayon fibers have special characteristics: They are highly absorbent, ?Soft and comfortable, ? Easy to dye & ? Drape well. i. n. t. r. o. d. u. c. t. i. o. n Cellulose is nature’s own giant molecule. It is the fibrous material that every plant makes by baking glucose molecules in long chains, from seaweed to the sequoia; the chains are bound togeth er in the fibers that give plants their shape and strength. Wood is the main source of cellulose. it contains 40% to 50% cellulose. the substance must be extracted by ‘pulping’. The logs are flaked, and then simmered in chemicals that dissolve the tarry lignin, resins and minerals.The remaining pulp, about 93% cellulose, is dried and rolled into sheets-raw material for paper, rayon and other products. It can be obtained in two ways: 1. Viscose Process: Cellulose is soaked in 30% caustic soda solution for about 3 hrs. The alkali solution is removed and the product is treated with carbon di-sulphide (CS2). This gives cellulose xanthate, which is dissolved in caustic soda (NaOH) solution to give viscous solution. This is filtered and forced through a spinneret into a dilute sulphuric acid (H2SO4) solution, both of which harden the gum-like thread into rayon fibers.The process of making viscose was discovered by C. F. Cross and E. J. Bevan in 1891. 2. Cuprammonium Rayon: Cu prammonium rayon is obtained by dissolving pieces of filter paper in a deep blue solution containing tetra-ammine cupric hydroxide. The latter is obtained from a solution of copper sulphate (CuSO4). To it, ammonia solution (NH4OH) is added to precipitate cupric hydroxide (Cu(OH)2), which is then dissolved in excess of ammonia (NH3. ) Reactions: CuSO4 + 2NH4OH > Cu(OH)2 + (NH4)2SO4 (Pale Blue Precipitate)Cu(OH) 2 + 4NH4OH > [Cu(NH3) 4](OH) 2 + 4H2O [Cu(NH3) 4](OH) 2 + pieces of filter paper left for 10-15 days give a viscous solution called ‘VISCOSE’. p. r. o. c. e. d. u. r. e I. Preparation of Schweitzer’s Solution: 1) Weigh 20g of CuSO4. 5H20. [pic] 2) Transfer this to a beaker having 100ml distilled water and add 15ml of dilute H2SO4 to prevent hydrolysis of CuSO4. [pic] 3) Stir it with a glass rod till a clear solution is obtained. Add 11ml of liquor ammonia drop by drop with slow stirring. The precipitate of cupric hydroxide is separated out. [pic] ) Filter t he solution containing cupric hydroxide through a funnel with filter paper. [pic] [pic] 5) Wash the precipitate of cupric hydroxide with water until the filtrate fails to give a positive test for sulphate ions with barium chloride solution. [pic] [pic] 6) Transfer the precipitate to a beaker that contains 50ml of liquor ammonia or wash it down the funnel. The precipitate when dissolved in liquor ammonia gives a deep blue solution of tetra-ammine cupric hydroxide. This is known as SCHWEITZER’S SOLUTION. [pic] II. Preparation of Cellulose material ) After weighing 2g of filter paper divide it into very fine pieces and then transfer these pieces to the tetra-ammine cupric hydroxide solution in the beaker. [pic] [pic] 2) Seal the flask and keep for 10 to 15 days, during this period the filter paper is dissolved completely. iii. Formation of Rayon Thread 1) Take 50ml of distilled water in a glass container. To this add 20ml of conc. Sulphuric acid (H2SO4) drop by drop. Cool the so lution under tap water. In a big glass container pour some of the solution. 2) Fill the syringe with cellulose solution prepared before. [pic] ) Place the big glass container containing H2SO4 solution produced before in ice (the reaction being spontaneous results in excess release of energy in the form of heat which makes the fibers weak and breaks them). [pic] [pic] 4) Immerse the tip of the syringe in the solution and press gently. Notice the fibers getting formed in the acid bath. Continue to move your hand and keep pressing the syringe to extrude more fibers into the bath. 5) Leave the fibers in solution till they decolorize and become strong enough. [pic] [pic] [pic] 6) Filter and wash with distilled water. . r. e. c. a. u. t. i. o. n. s 1) Addition of excess NH3 should be avoided. 2) Before taking the viscose in the syringe make sure that it does not contain any particles of paper, otherwise, it would clog the needle of the syringe. 3) Addition of NH3 should be done in a fume cupboard and with extreme care. The fumes if inhaled may cause giddiness. 4) Use a thick needle otherwise the fibers won’t come out. b. i. b. l. i. o. g. r. a. p. h. y I. Google. com II. Ask. com III. Wikipedia. com IV. Comprehensive  Laboratory Manual in chemistry XII [pic][pic]

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Different Parenting Styles - 1200 Words

Developmental Psychology 10/2/12 I think so many factors influence parenting. I would like to start this off with one of the most important factors I think that influence parenting, and that is having a child unplanned and not being ready for it versus planning for a child and being ready for it. I am a little old fashioned when it comes to certain things and especially when I think of how I would raise my child. I do not have one, and I am a lesbian. I am not sure when I will have one, but I want to with a potential partner, hopefully she can carry or we can adopt as well. When I say I am a little old fashioned I guess I am referring to how I would raise my child. When I see the way my friends act with their kids, I do not think†¦show more content†¦I also think some children play electronics too much, there is nothing wrong with them playing it by all means, but I think some parents stick them on it so they don’t have to deal with them. Another big issue is many parents get mad at their children because when it’s during the school season, some young children don’t like to do homework. When I was younger my dad taught me my alphabets, math, emergency numbers, and address at a very young age. My dad always bought me coloring books, pencils, and papers to keep me busy. We had a Nintendo system, but I barely used it. Even though my parents didn’t speak English or learn the things I did in school they would still try their best to help me or find me help. People cannot expect for their children to love studying and working with school materials if you don’t support them and work with them. When I have my child, I plan to paint and color with them all the time. It’s so important to be active with children especially when they are young and their brains are developing. Communication and patience is the key with children. Also the right amount of emotion and love is very important. I know raising children is not easy that’s why it’s not meant for everyone. And planning ahead I think makes a huge difference. My friends tell me when I talk about what I would do with my kid they tell me I am mean and crazy and I amShow MoreRelatedThe Different Parenting Styles1024 Words   |  5 PagesParenting styles have been described as the collection of parents’ behaviors which create an atmosphere of parent-child interaction across situation (Mize and Petit, 1997). Darling and Steinberg (1993) defined parenting style as â€Å"a constellation of attitudes toward the child that are communicated to the child and that, taken together, create an emotional climate in which the parents’ behaviors have expressed.† Despite these challenges, researchers have uncovered convincing links between parentingRead MoreThe Different Styles Of Par enting Essay1098 Words   |  5 PagesThe two different styles of parenting that are described in the book are concerted cultivation and natural growth. Concerted cultivation is typically seen in the middle class families. Whereas natural growth is mainly seen in the working class families. The book defines concerted cultivation as having â€Å"Organized activities, established and controlled by mothers and fathers†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Lareau, 2011, p.1). And it defines natural growth as having â€Å"children experience long stretches of leisure time, child-initiatedRead MoreDifferent Styles Of Parenting Styles1708 Words   |  7 PagesSilicon Valley. (Hogan and Haskell, 2). Most of today’s kids have one of the following types of parents: Indulgent, Authoritative, Neglectful, Authoritarian*. These are generally regarded as the four main types of parenting. These four styles of parenting are the stereotypical parenting styles most people identify one or both of their parents as. Indulgent parents tend to coddle their children and protect them from disappointment. Authoritative parents are people who have reasonable demands and rulesRead MoreDifferent Types Of Parenting Styles1495 Words   |  6 PagesParenting styles have been described by Diana Baumrind into four categories, authoritative, authoritarian, neglectful, and indulgent parenting (Santrok 461). Parenting styles can be defined as patterns of attitudes in how parents choose to express and communicate with their children. This paper will examine the different type of parenting styles as it relates to ethnicity and various cultures. What exactly is ethnicity and culture? The Oxford Dictionary defines ethnicity as â€Å"the fact or state ofRead MoreDifferent Types Of Parenting Styles880 Words   |  4 Pagesaround and observe our everyday life we will notice that we see many different types of parenting styles. Many parents create their own parenting style based on important factors like cultu re, education, and religion. Generally there are two main types of parenting style proposed. These two styles seem alike but are very much different from each other. Strict parent and the not so strict parent. The two approaches towards parenting differ from each other and this is why. There are some parentsRead MoreDifferent Parenting Styles Essay923 Words   |  4 PagesThere are many different ways of parenting children. Some are more favorable than others and some can even damage one’s emotional future, causing problems such as anxiety, unhappiness, and other low self-esteem issues. Although there are four distinct parenting styles, many parents are often somewhere in between a couple on the scale. My parents often took to the authoritative style, which is known currently as the most successful approach. The authoritative parent is involved in their child’s lifeRead MoreThe Effects of Different Parenting Styles1075 Words   |  4 Pagesmaster new abilities independently. However there is extensive research linking healthy child development to effective parenting. Children excel when parents provide not only communication, but also affection and listening. Even though parenting style plays a crucial role in the development of a child, almost 70% of parents do not have a sense of awareness when it comes to their own style and how it affects their children. In the UK, with the introduction of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and Anti-SocialRead MoreDifferent Types Of Parenting Styles Essay2254 Words   |  10 PagesAbstract As we all know each person is different. Each person is raised differently. So it is clear that since people are different from one another that their parenting styles will be different. But what parenting style is hurting one child’s development and well-being? For this assignment I read several articles about the different types of parenting styles and I have learned which type of parenting style helps or hurts a child’s development. â€Æ' Research Paper Parenting has changed over the years. ParentsRead MoreTaking a Look at Different Parenting Styles757 Words   |  3 Pagesway they do† (Belsky, 2005)? When it comes to parenting, the demeanor and strategies, in which parents practice, in order to efficiently integrate their children into society defines parenting style. Studies encompassing parenting styles show that no two styles are considered similar. Jay Belsky, professor of psychology, uses his process model of the determinants of parenting to emphasize, â€Å"the social-contextual factors and forces that shape parenting† (Belsky, 2005). According to Belsky, these parentalRead MoreHow Different Parenting Styles And Child Attachment Styles1795 Words   |  8 Pagesthis paper, I investigated the research question of how different parenting styles and child attachment styles play a role in the development of anxiety disorders. This research question is important because it can help us find ways to effectively preven t anxiety disorders early on and find effective ways of treating children and adolescents so that they do not develop disorders in the future (Schimmenti Bifulco, 2015, p. 42). Attachment styles are defined as the bond and the strong emotional connection