Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Offering Help in English for ESL Learners

Offering Help in English for ESL Learners There are a number of formulas used when offering help in English. Here are some of the most common: May I help you?Can I help you?Are you looking for something?Would you like some help?Do you need some help?What can I do for you today? After you study these constructions, take the offering help quiz to check your understanding. Construction Formula Verb Form May I help you? Use May I or Can I the base form of the verb in a statement. Are you looking for something? Use Are you looking for something OR anything in particular OR specific object Would you like some help? Use Would you like some help OR some advice OR a recommendation Do you need some help? Use Do you need some help OR some advice OR a recommendation What can I do for you today? Use What can I do for you, her, him, etc. today OR this morning, this afternoon, this evening