Tuesday, October 22, 2019


FTP Definition FTP or File Transfer protocol refers to rules or protocols that are used to transfer files from one computer to another. The files are transferred from a remote computer to another computer connected to a web server or internet. The transfer of the files happens through the aid of transmission Control Protocol/internet protocol (TCP/IP).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on FTP specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More TCP is a set of communication rules that breaks data into packets in a bid to transfer each packet through its own root. These data packets emerge to form a complete file at the receiving computer. Therefore, file transfer protocols are able to send files through the aid of TCP. FTP qualifies to be the most efficient and fastest method of transferring data or files compared to others like the Hypertext transmission protocol (HTTP). There are various aims of the file transfer protocol including el evating document allotment such as computer programs and information, boosting inherent or circuitous use of computers at their distant areas, protecting users for any probable fluctuations, and heightening a consistent and proficient conveyance of documents between two distant areas. Overview FTP has revolutionalised thus enhancing the transfer of files from one remote computer to another or others that are in separate locations. FTP has enabled the transfer of larger files and software from the internet. With FTP, one can download and copy files to the remote computer. They can be transferred to a distant shared folder, which channels them from the central processor to another over the internet. FTP functions with the aid of a transmission control protocol that enables transfer of files to the other computer. The users of this protocol may authenticate or gain access to the files through established sign protocols including usernames and passwords (Entwistle, 2011, p. 192). Howeve r, there is also the possibility for the users to connect to the FTP anonymously in the case where the server configuration allows.Advertising Looking for research paper on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Security of files transmitted through this platform is not efficient. However, FIPS serves to secure files that are transmitted through the platform. For efficient application of FTP, one has to meet a number of issues. One of them is to ensure that the FTP runs on faster networks, which have an approximate of a single frame of 200Kbps or multiple frames of 2 Mbps. The sending computer should be connected to a Daemon or FTP server to allow transfer of information. There is also the need to put in place sufficient measures to ensure that there is security when sending the files on the server. The files should be scanned before sending and or downloading them from the receiving computer to guara ntee security of the information. There are viruses or malfunctions that may be a threat to the files and even to the computer. Therefore, care should be ensured to the later. FTP nowadays comes in various programs that can be used to transfer files. Examples of these programs include WSFTP LE and CuteFTP. Some of these programs are free downloads while others are bought from authorised dealers. History of FTP The far the FTP protocol has reached has its roots in the early 1970s when the Request For Comments (RFC) 14 standards were published in 1971. This development proceeded with the transmission control protocol and internet protocol that were developed in early 1980. These early standards provided a description of the basic command of the rules, which was an insight on how communication of devises in the internet occurred. During this time of development, the network control protocol, which later came to be the transmission control protocol was used to convey network traffic.Adv ertising We will write a custom research paper sample on FTP specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More During this tie, the internet was not able to relay information back since Arpanet was small. Hence, few development computers were available. Any development went on as new standards arose thus overtaking the former versions of the FTP (Brian, 2010, p. 419). For instance, the publication of RFC 172 happened in June 1971. Other standards referred to as RFC 265 came in to being in November 1971 (Yosef Brian, 2010, p. 419). However, a major transformation was evident in July 1972 following the publishing of the RC 354. These standards contained the overall communication model that is currently in use by the modern transmission control protocol. Furthermore, more features of the protocol were evident in these standards. The standards have kept on improving with more user-friendly application being invented. This has seen the emergence of the m odem FTP protocol used to transfer large files effectively as opposed to the earlier FTP protocol. It is also evident that security has also been improved through the application of password, username, encryptions, and many other security measures. Features FTP has many features that have enabled it transfer files besides ensuring security of the systems. One of the features of FTP is that they have ports that help in communication. For instance, port 21 helps the client computer to communicate/send files and data from one computer to the other. This, otherwise called the control connection, is always open during the duration that transferring of a computer happens. It also has a port 20 also referred to as data connection. This port can be â€Å"opened by an active mode to its negotiated client or through a passive mode using an arbitrary port, which is linked to the negotiated server port† (Kurose Ross, 2010, p. 5: Harvey, 2009, p. 24). FTP has an application layer on whic h it operates. This layer is used to transfer files using the transmission control protocol or the internet protocol. For this to be achieved, the FTP server needs to run continuously besides waiting the incoming files sent by various remote computers on the internet.Advertising Looking for research paper on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More FTP server is another feature of the file transfers. The server acts as the transmission medium. It stores information or data awaiting relay to the other host computer. Therefore, without these servers the FTP cannot run function smoothly. FTP also has features that allow download and transfer of multimedia files such as video files, images, game demos, software, patches, and music. It also has features that are able to integrate the hypertext media language editor that enables the user to edit files on the host’s web without having to download them. Due to the advancement of technology, more features have been added to the file transfer protocol to improve its capabilities to send and receive information on the internet. Social media has contributed significantly towards the improvement of the FTP protocol such as FTP client podcast manager. This feature is used to update podcasts RSS to allow for automatic downloads of preference. More features have improved the requiremen ts and the needs of back office users. Other FTPs have features such as event triggers used to update users on new issues that have happened. This happens automatically the moment a user opens the client computer served with a server. A good example is the updates on viruses or any information concerning a threat to the computer or alert message to scan the client computer for any viruses. Others have back up features that allow data or information to be stored on a server in an event of power outage or a virus attack that shuts the system abruptly. FTP also has sophisticated features that cater for larger businesses that use the websites for multiple purposes. Therefore, such FTPs require a heavy security to protect the system from outsiders. They also have to meet the requirements set by the regulatory bodies. Therefore, they should know who receives the message, in what amounts, and the internal protocols that can be blocked. They also have features that enable reporting and audi ting module that keeps records of all users that log into the system to ensure security and privacy. Development Over the years, other forms of file transfers have been invented. However, the file transfer protocol is still the fastest method of data and information transfer in relation to the hypertext transfer protocol. The file transfer protocol has undergone a number of changes since the first standards were developed in 1971. Early developers categorised the FTP networks into two namely direct and indirect networks. In the direct network, the user of a remote computer is able to download and upload files with a mindset that there is no network (Sheu et al., 2010, p. 285). The user interface creates an illusion of no network between the host user and the sender computer. On the other hand, indirect network allows users to get and use resources from the host computer, which they can then transfer back to the host computer. The two methods serve as the backbone on the networking a pplications for the transmission control protocol with telnet being used for direct access and FTP in the indirect network. The development of FTP began in 1971 with the publication of RFC 114. These FTPs contained standards that described the communication aspects of the protocol, which was the first communication model that could be used with TCPs of commands used in the FTP include ABOR, meaning/or standing for abortion of active file transfer; ACCT, meaning account information; DELE, meaning to delete a file; HELP, meaning help; Lang, meaning language negotiation; XSEN, meaning send to terminal; and STOU, meaning to store a file in a unique way among many other commands. The list is endless. These commands explain why the process of developing new File Transfer protocol is tedious and involving. Expectation The expectation of the FTP is still high among its users due to the advancement of technology and the evolution of a more sophisticated technology. One of the types of FTP is the FTP voyager, which has continuously experienced new changes. For instance, the latest version of the FTP voyager that was released on November 2011 has been upgraded to include more features that can enable improved services (FTP Voyager, 2012, Para. 2). One of the areas that were upgraded or fixed includes the correction of servers that had problems that led to the closure of data channels that caused delays in the file transfers and directory listings. SFTP bugs were also corrected especially the symbolic links that were not earlier corrected. However, users still have higher expectations in the FTP. For example, they yearn to have a FTP experience where files will be encrypted. They also wish to see any security threats associated with transfer of file using the FTP managed or contained. Conclusion FTP is one of the networks that have brought changes in the way users send and receive their files across the world. FTP has made it easier and convenient for users to e xchange and share their messages. Companies have benefited from this platform. Even though the development of FTP went through various challenges, it has recorded a significant success. FTP has various advantages that have assisted positively in making it easier for people to share their information. Even though, it has a number of advantages, there are some challenges associated with the network. One of the challenges is security threat and poor back up system. However, efforts are underway to make it more convenient, efficient, and reliable. The future of FTP seems bright, as more initiative is underway to achieve people’s expectations. Reference List Brian, D. (2010). The leader in FTP and file sharing: The Advantages and  Disadvantages of FTP Clients. London: Longman Publishers. Clark, M. (2003). 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